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Lawn Care


After the coldest weather the Puget Sound has seen in ten years, are you ready for the weather to warm up? Here at Alpine Nursery we’re definitely ready for the warmer weather to come rolling in! When it does it’s time to start thinking about your lawn. Hopefully all this snow will melt and your lawn will just require a little touch up. This blog post will go over Alpine Nursery and Landscape’s recommendations for taking care of your lawn to keep it beautifully green, free of moss, weeds and those pesky invaders that want to take over your beautiful lawn.


Preparing for Spring

After all this snow and as the winter fades into spring (albeit, a very snowy spring here in the PNW), there is sure to be debris in your yard. Branches that fell from the weight of the snow, twigs and leaves that accumulated over the winter months. Gently clean up the sticks, twigs and debris that has amassed in your yard. Proceed with caution as the grass will still be moist and will be more susceptible to damage. Over raking and excessive traffic on the moist lawn can damage it.

After your quick clean up, it’s time to formulate a plan that is simple as our four phase system Bonide system plus moss control and lime applications. Taking care of your lawn can be overwhelming, but with our simple and straightforward guide you will have a healthy and happy lawn before you know it.

Before we begin our four phase system, we will begin with treatments for moss control. This requires an application of MossMax®.



Lawn moss thrives in moist, shaded areas with acidic soil that has poor drainage. In the PNW there is no shortage of dampness, as our beautifully lush state stays that way due to the amount of rainfall we receive. The rain seeps into our soil, causes the PH levels of the soil to become acidic. This acidity is a breeding ground for moss.

An infestation of moss can choke out a lawn and eventually lead to its demise. Eliminating moss can help improve the conditions of your grass, and promote its growth.

Simply removing the moss will not be sufficient. The conditions that are allowing the moss to grow must be remedied so your lawn can be healthy and happy.

Getting Rid of Moss

Normally we recommend beginning this treatment in early part of February and into March. However, since this past winter has been a cold one, and we are still experiencing snow in early March, we would recommend beginning this process, once the snow ends and the weather begins to warm.

What you will need: MossMax® and Espoma Organic Lightning Lime

What to do:

You will need to apply the MossMax® first. This product should be applied when the soil is wet. It will quickly kill of the pesky moss, so that your grass can recover and regenerate. For best results, mow your lawn prior to application.

Two weeks after applying the MossMax®, you will need to apply the lime. Alpine Nursery and Landscape recommends using Espoma Organic Lightning Lime. This is our choice of lime because it works much faster than other formulas. Lightning Lime can begin to change the Ph levels within 6-8 weeks unlike others that can take 6 months. Other options can take up to 6 months to fully neutralize the PH soil.


Let's make the rest of your lawn maintenance easy for you. We recommend using Bonide’s four phase system.

Bonide Four Phase System

The Bonide Four phase system is great for established lawns. If your lawn needs to be reseeded, keep in mind you will need to wait four weeks after any weed killer product is applied to your lawn before reseeding.

Phase 1: Crabgrass and Weed Preventer

Phase one of the four phase system should be applied to the grass during the spring, the package shows a map with different parts of the country and when to apply.

Phase one prevents crabgrass and other grassy weeds for up to five months. It is best used as a preventative treatment, and should be used prior to germination and preemergence. It can also be applied to early stages of crabgrass, but will not work on early stages of other grassy weeds. It is recommended not to apply to new lawns.

Phase 2: Weed and Feed

Phase two of the four part system is designed to eliminate weeds and fertilize your lawn. This mixture is a slow release fertilizer that helps promote lush green lawns. It is designed to kill over 200 types of weeds and will kill dandelions and broadleaf weeds on contact. Phase two should be applied during spring about 4-6 weeks after phase one has been applied.

Do not reseed your lawn for 3-4 weeks after application. Avoid mowing 1 to 2 days before and after application. Phase two should be applied to a wet lawn, then do not water again for 48 hours as watering after will wash away the mixture. Phase two can be used up to two times a year, but exceeding this recommendation may result in damage to your lawn.

Phase 3: Insect and Feed

Phase three kills a large range of insects on contact and providing residual control for four weeks after application. In addition to the insect control, it also contains a slow release fertilizer, continuing to care for your lawn and feeding it the nutrients it needs. This product should be applied at the first sign of insects, remember the earlier on you catch a problem, the easier it is to remedy. It should be applied and then watered in.

Phase 4: Winterizer

Phase four should be applied in the late fall to prepare your lawn for the winter months. It contains a slow release fertilizer to ensure your lawn receives the necessary nutrients and to keep your lawn green during the colder month. It is recommended to make the application of phase four in late September or early October before the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will allow the grass to draw up and store the nutrients.

The winterizer promotes the roots to store their energy so they will be prepared for growth come spring time. This product should be applied, then watered in.

Check back for another blog post on overseeding your lawn

**Note: Please follow all instructions on the labels of these products. Some products may be harmful to pets or children, please refer to label of product for this information. This information provided by Alpine Nursery and Landscape is for educational purposes only**

**Product information obtained from manufacturer websites. For more information:

Bonide phase 2

Bonide phase 3

Bonide phase 4

Espoma Organic Lightening Lightening Lime

Bonide Moss Max



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Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

         Sun. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm


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